Adam Rifkin: Quotables

  1. alt.quotations FAQ
  2. Adam's MsgList
  3. Bartlett's Familiar Quotations
  4. Buxton's Quotes Page
  5. Curmudgeon Quotelist
  6. Cyber-Quotations by Sam Lau
  7. Kerrie DeGood Quotes Page
  8. Humorous Quotations (Don Geddis, Stanford)
  9. Latticed on-line Quotations User Service (l o Q t u s) (high traffic, doesn't always work)
  10. Marlene's Motivating Moments
  11. Quotations gopher at Ainet (select Misc, then Quotations)
  12. Quote of the Day by Michael Moncur
  13. Shakespearean Insults
  14. Word Wizard

From Rifkin's List of Links, adam at xent dot com
Last modified: Thu Apr 2 16:56:49 PST 1998