Adam Rifkin: Background Coursework

Independent Study

Good Design
Engineering Management, Caltech Industrial Relations Center.
  1. Assertive Management
  2. Vocal Communication and Presentation Technique (June 5-7, 1995)
  3. Managing in Technical Organizations (May 15-16, 1995)
  4. The Successful Negotiator (May 4-5, 1995)
  5. Leadership: The People Challenge (March 22-23, 1995)
  6. Successful Project Management (March 6-8, 1995)
  7. Effective Business and Report Writing (October 12-13, 1994)
  8. Developing a High Performance Team (October 5-6, 1994)
  9. Time Management (September 28, 1994)
  10. Strategic Alliances (September 17, 1993)

California Institute of Technology

Computer Science
  1. Topics in Compiler Construction (Hall, 1995)
  2. Mathematics of Computer Programming (Leino/Hofstee, 1994)
  3. Principles of Concurrency (Martin, 1992-3)
  4. Computer Algorithms (Chandy, 1992-3)
  5. Information and Complexity (Abu-Mostafa, 1992-3)
  6. VLSI Design Laboratory (Seitz, 1992)

Business, Economics, and Management
  1. Psychology in Economic Theory (Camerer, 1995)
  2. Fundamentals of Game Theory (Camerer, 1994)
  3. Investments (Bossearts, 1993)
  4. Intro to Finance (Erics, 1993)
  5. Venture Capital (Bossearts, 1992)

College of William and Mary

(dean's list every term; Phi Beta Kappa, 1989)
Graduate Computer Science
  1. Parallel Simulation
  2. Stochastic Optimization
  3. Scheduling Theory
  4. Digital Image Processing
  5. Parallel Computer Architectures
  6. Advanced Analysis of Algorithms
  7. Theory of Operating Systems
  8. Theory of Computation
  9. Theory of Programming Languages
  10. Software Engineering
  11. Computer Graphics
  12. Computer Networks
  13. Artificial Intelligence

Undergraduate Computer Science and Math
  1. Simulation
  2. Operating Systems
  3. Compiler Construction
  4. Computer Ethics
  5. Programming Languages
  6. Cryptography
  7. Analysis of Algorithms
  8. Project: Research in Sorting
  9. Database Systems
  10. Computer Architecture
  11. Finite Automata
  12. Computer Organization
  13. Data Structures
  14. Concrete Mathematics
  15. Probability and Statistics
  16. Operations Research
  17. Multivariable Calculus
  18. Linear Algebra

Business, Economics, and Management
  1. Mathematics of Economic Theory
  2. Money and Banking
  3. Macroeconomic Theory
  4. Microeconomic Theory
  5. Principles of Marketing
  6. Principles of Accounting

Liberal Arts
  1. Summer in Florence, Italy
  2. Summer in Israel
  3. Social and Political Philosophy
  4. Ethics and Morality
  5. Human Growth and Development
  6. Survey of Philosophy
  7. Cultural and Intellectual Traditions
  8. Adventure Games
  9. Military Leadership
  10. American National Security Policy
  11. Elementary Italian
  12. Elementary Piano

From Rifkin's List of Links, adam at xent dot com
Last modified: Thu Apr 2 17:05:53 PST 1998