Adam Rifkin: Art and Museums

  1. American Indian Frontier Art
  2. American Civil War
  3. American Memory from Library of Congress
  4. Ansel Adams Posters
  5. AnthroNet at UVa
  6. Anthropology on the Internet
  7. Anthropology Resources on the Internet
  8. Art Deadlines List
  9. Arrival world wide art gallery and museum
  10. ArtServe (an Art History Web server at Australia University)
  11. Asian Art
  12. Babys Art Gallery
  13. British Museum of Natural History
  14. Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology Server (at U Michigan)
  15. Collective Memory Palace - a growing site for collective memory
  16. Common Boundaries
  17. Cuckoo Clocks
  18. CyberArt (collected at InfiNet)
  19. Digital Inspirations by Colin Baker
  20. Ron English AgitPop Artist of Faux Billboards
  21. Eniac Virtual Museum
  22. Escher (M.C. Escher... was he, like, a rapper, or something?)
  23. FineArt Forum Online
  24. Foundry - art, collaboration, politics
  25. 1492 Exhibit (at SunSITE )
  26. Fractal Gallery
  27. Garden of Marin by Kathleen Olson
  28. Genghis Khan
  29. Luc Girardin's Guide to Art Galleries
  30. Glove Box
  31. Guide to Museums and Cultural Resources on the Web
  32. Heritage Map Museum
  33. Internet Arts Museum for FREE
  34. Internet Gallry of GIF Animation
  35. Krannert Art Museum
  36. Leonardo da Vinci Museum
  37. Mindbreaker Studios
  38. Museum of Paleontology (at Berkeley)
  39. On the Way
  40. Otis' "Operative Term is Stimulate" Gallery
  41. Papyrus Archive
  42. Portraits in Cyberspace at MIT
  43. Revealing Things at the Smithsonian
  44. Seoul's Virtual Gallery
  45. Sistine Chapel
  46. Smithsonian Institution
  47. Southwestern Archaeology
  48. Sunsite's EXPO Library of Congress Ticket Office , including the Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit , the Soviet Archives Exhibit , and the Vatican Exhibit .
  49. Syro-Palestinian Gallery Collection (at U Penn)
  50. Le WebLouvre in Paris (or skip directly to exhibits by Dali , Van Gogh , or Monet )
  51. Web Museum at UCF
  52. WWW Virtual Library: Museums
  53. Yahoo's Guide to Artlands

From Rifkin's List of Links, adam at xent dot com
Last modified: Thu Apr 2 16:27:36 PST 1998